Making small, positive shifts can lead to significant changes. By setting the tone for your entire day, you impact the bigger picture of your life.
This section will guide you in creating a personalized morning ritual that aligns with your goals and aspirations, helping you start each day with purpose and positivity. Choose from these suggestions or create your own.
Acknowledge a Higher Power: Whatever your connection with creation feels like for you, giving a psychic ‘thank you’ for this gift of life each day is the ultimate super-charge.
Say to yourself something like: ‘Today and always, I align with the Creator, tapping into the universal energy that shapes worlds. I live my life connected to this boundless energy of love and light.’
Practice Gratitude: While still waking up, shift your thoughts to the feeling of gratefulness. Get specific with a few each morning. This programs your brain in the direction of your highest good, releases serotonin and tells your system that you are good to go.
Visualize Your Day: Take a few moments to imagine yourself killing it! See yourself enjoying the outcomes of your intentions. Watch yourself taking inspired action. Imagining being in your flow state, ready to receive. Don’t forget to ask for what you need! Put it out there. Imagining the best possible outcome is fun and even more fun when our life is turning out our manifestations in ways far more tantalizing than we could ever have imagined! You will start to have experiences that you constantly wonder, “Was that a dream?”
Meditation: Quieting the mind really is the gateway to our inner selves. We know you hear about meditation often, but have you committed to it for at least three weeks? Spending just 5-10 minutes each morning meditating to center your mind and focus your intentions for the day can change your life. There’s a reason why many of the most successful people practice meditation-it works.
Cutting-edge research on the miraculous healing benefits of Meditation is available. The information is out there (see Dr. Joe Dispensa’s new documentary, Source: It’s Within You).
The question is: are you ready to take the first step and take responsibility for the wellness and vitality your mind, body and spirit?
Exercise: Move it, shake it, sweat! This is where discipline, the secret sauce to our confidence and personal power lies. Engage in a physical activity, whether it’s a full workout, yoga, or a walk to energize your body. Dance!
May thy food be thy medicine. Start your day with a smoothie (game changer!). This smart life hack gives you a delicious alternative to that second cup of coffee (you won't want it anymore), and an opportunity to create a personal daily blend of “medicines” for your body.
Find out what you need then create your own revolving alchemy of natural supplements. You’ll wonder how you got by without these essential health boosting concoctions!
Glo Up! Get ready for the day:! “Do” your face, hair and wear clothes that make you feel beautiful, sexy and fabulous. It’s taken Denise a long time to figure this one out, being a hippie half her life, but it’s true, how we look affects how we feel. Make it fun and easy. Find the basics that make you glow!
Wake up with nature! Go outdoors and sip your morning coffee. We’ve found that one of the most life-altering morning rituals is to start your day outdoors for at least 10-20 minutes. No phone, just your morning beverage and a willingness to be still and receive the day. (Dog walking fits in this category;)
Practice being present, being alive, and connected to the grander world around you. Be anywhere you have a connection to nature, and listen. Breathe deeply and allow yourself to immerse in the sights, sounds and smells of nature.
Deep chill states and new downloads come in these moments when we quiet our mind and open ourselves to the natural world around us. This is also a great time to tap into your plans and goals for the day, practicing getting focused on where you are going and how you are going to get there.
By engaging our senses, we can create a rich, visceral experience that super-charges our visions on a profound level.
Create a personalized, multi-layered, immersive experience that brings your dreams to life in a vivid way.
This holistic approach helps to solidify your visions, making them feel more real and attainable, and aligns your entire being with the life you are manifesting.
ALTER EVOLUTION: Create a dynamic home or garden altar where you can connect both visually and magnetically with your intentions. A sacred space that reflects your inner world and holds the unique vibration of your highest self. Choose mementos that hold a personal meaning and resonate with the energy you’re trying to connect with.
Use a shelf, small table, tray that you love. Add anything that makes you smile, objects of desire that light you up like candles, crystals, a small plant or meaningful mementos. Incorporate elements that engage your senses like essential oils or a fresh blossom floating in a bowl of water. Add a chair for nearby meditation and use this space as your sacred space .Don't forget to dust often:)
FLOWER POWER: Integrate fresh flowers into your living space. Choose blooms that raise your five instantly and resonate with your vision. Lilies next to your bed creates an enveloping goddess temple of aroma that permeates your dreams, vibrant blossoms can make us feel instantly happy, or the presence of lavender can calm and give you a delicious sleep. Arrange these flowers in places where you spend the most time. Stop and smell them as often as possible. Their aroma is a gift…
CURATED SOUND: Create a playlist that evokes specific emotions and states of mind. Fill it with your most kick ass, energizing songs that make you feel like you can conquer the world! Make a second playlist with your most chill, groovy songs that help you unwind and get grounded. Maybe those tunes that get you on the mat? Use these playlists intentionally during your visualization sessions or daily routines to enhance your emotional state.
SOUNDSCAPES: Consider incorporating ambient soundscapes into your practice. The hum of a forest, the rhythm of ocean waves, or the serene sounds of morning in the country can transport you to a place of peace and focus, making your visualization sessions more immersive.
OLFACTORY ANCHOR: Aroma is a powerful way to bond with your goals and dreams. Our sense of smell is closely linked to the limbic system, which is responsible for emotions, memories, and behaviors. When we smell something the olfactory bulb in the brain processes the information and can evoke intense emotional responses
Explore essential oils or naturally scented candles (soy or other vegetable wax) that resonate with your goals and dreams. What aromas excite you? Use your sense of smell as your guide, deeply inhaling different aromas, noticing how each aroma “hits” you. This is a great opportunity to tune into your deeper intuition. For example, peppermint for clarity, citrus for energy, or sandalwood for grounding. Use these scents during your meditation and visualization practices to create a strong sensory association with your intentions.
GASTRONOMIC VISIONING: Create a small ritual around eating foods that symbolize your dreams. If one of your goals is to travel to Italy, for example, prepare a simple Italian meal and visualize yourself dining al fresco in a charming piazza! Go for it! Dress up to shop for the food, prepare it while playing music from your most desired area of Italy to visit. Use your desires to create an exciting multi-sensory dining experience that creates that feeling of “already being there”.

Celebrates the beauty of being flawlessly flawed
Says "oops, my bad" without a second thought
Dives right in, even when the water looks a bit chilly
Never says "I can't do that", instead says "watch me"
Is always there, present and accounted for
Practices the art of forgiving oneself
Doesn't play the compare and despair game
Focuses on their own hurdles, because time is too precious to waste

Go to page 10-11 and let it flow!