How do you honor yourself?


Honoring your Inner World Experience Reveals Radiance and Beauty, and is the Vibration you Attract.

Rituals are about honoring the Divine Inner World in each of us. We now know that like cultivating a physical practice of yoga will shape your muscles, it also creates mental, emotional, and spiritual Harmony. By cultivating your Inner Essence and setting aside time for Self-Care Rituals, the same is true.

How we Love and Cherish ourselves is not only a mirror for our relationships and life experience, but also encourages us to know and sense our Personal Power and Connection with the Divine.

Cacao Spa Face Ritual


•Start with a cup of tea. While your water is heating, set up your environment. Play your favorite soothing playlist, light your candles and start to breathe a little deeper.

•Get into the Mood by creating an Intention for your Ritual, maybe its just to relax on a deeper level, anything or anyone important to you where you would like to focus your energy. Light the tip of the Palo Santo stick until it catches flame then blow it out, letting the sacred smoke waft through your room clearing the energy making way for your intentions.

•Mix a dime size amount of Cacao Face Mask with water in the palm of your hand until it is the consistency of a liquid paste.

•Apply to the face using fingertips, lightly massaging in small, gentle circles taking the moment to inhale the smell of the Cacao letting it’s magic release natural pleasure endorphins in the body, the same ones associated with the sensations of falling in love.

•Write in your journal, do yoga, or just relax feeling grateful for all that you are.

•These moments are designed for introspection, for slowing down and allowing yourself the gift of being in the present. Repeated, this will literally rewire your brain for growth and repair and create a new pattern in your life, revealing and reminding you of the beautiful, powerful, limitless human you are.

•Rinse the Cacao Face Mask with water.

•Pat Dry and Revel in your Radiant Skin and deepened sense of self.


● Massage our Face Nektar into face, neck, and chest area.

● Dab your Nirvana Nektar on wrists and temples. Inhale and exhale fully, sinking into a deep relaxation.

● Get cozy with your Inner Divine Self. Start with a 3 min time frame to get used to being still, the more you practice, the easier it will become. If you signed our email list you will receive a complimentary 5min Harmonic Sound Bath Meditation.

● When you are finished with your meditation, refresh and revitalize by misting approx. 12” from your face with a few pumps of your Rose mist. Repeat as desired, and it will be desired. Trust us!

Shower Ritual

 Water has a deeper mystic meaning.

This means that water is the energy that encourages us to experience a sense of clarity, a cleansing of sorts.

This clarity comes from different experiences of Mother Earth's 5 main elements, and what they represent, in your Inner World.

● As the warm water runs over your body, close your eyes and take a deep breath.

● Exhale and let go of your day.

● Starting with placing your face directly in line with the water. After, deeply inhale and let go again. Repeat as desired.

•Take these first moments into your soul allowing anything troubling you to wash off of your body and imagine it going down the drain. Begin to notice the warm, soothing, and gentle touch of the water running over your body. Again Take a deep breath.

● Now it's time to evoke a feeling of something you are grateful for.

● Begin with a dime-size amount of Citrus Cleanser, covering one area of the face at a time by lightly massaging in small circular motions.

● Tune into the feeling of self-soothing. Remember this is a Meditation Ritual. Allow the time needed to fully melt into this present moment. Caress your face with a gentle touch, then apply pressure as desired for a face massage. Uugh, love that!

● Allow the water to fill you with gratitude and a sense of acceptance for what is.

● Create daily mindfulness rituals by practicing these steps each morning.